Monday, August 12, 2024


  Unfortunately, there are hardly any measures in place to recycle solar panels, at least in the US.Seller refuse to sign forms, to consent to their bills.In LIFE PEOPLE HAVE TO PRETEND ,YOU'RE A BAD PERSON, SO THEY DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THE THINGS THEY DID TO YOU.' Have done to you, and what they are going to do.

Sons To Shine, Trains On Tracks, Colors Of Sisters, Fairies And Earth Angels, Veterans Cali Chicks. Frank Agresti , I used to have a tinker Belle in my life. 

FaceTime: Sinners And Saints,Sons To Shine: Diamonds, Or Not.Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.What is, is not, Purple Strongest hearts

Jessie Dailydelasaint,It Is A Jungle Out There. Coins, Cards, Cons, Clowns To The Left, Cattle Runs, Heads To Count. Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young.Make America White Again”.In LIFE PEOPLE HAVE TO PRETEND ,YOU'RE A BAD PERSON, SO THEY DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THE THINGS THEY DID TO YOU.


Goodness and mercy angels for me, to serve and protected fools and the young at heart. The kids of all ages, the young at heart, in touch with the child within. Good times on the right side, seasons, reasons and causes to climb mountains. Choose your mountains to climb at your own pace, help others alone the way. Tales and stories, song and dances, around the dogwood trees.Me when the person I’m about to meet off marketplace to sell a dresser says “will you take a company check dated for next week?”

Third party views, of fairy tales, and life on the sunny sides. Heard it from a bird or two, sitting in a dogwood tree. Blue bird notes, just out of sight in the dogwood trees, the message to share in sounds. Blue blues sing songs to spread joy and happiness, not because they have answers. Angels, dogwood butterflies, fairies, pixies to change the colors dancing at night. Happy and delighted with hopes, wishes and prayers.

You have to be willing to take the risk and make the sacrifices needed to be successful.  Life in Afro future.You're-trapped in the black drama, you hear the laughter-Urban Dictionary: poetic YouTube.Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides. Feed the animals in the barn, the kids, the goats, Jesus Christ, born in a barn.Golden Calf: What beef?
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To Your Success, To fail, first attempts in learning, the end is effects never ends, equals next opening.

Inline image
The astronauts are probably telling NASA they want to have SpaceX send up their capsule to rescue them because they do NOT trust the Boeing Starliner capsule getting them home safely .

You have to be willing to take the risk and make the sacrifices needed to be successful.  Life in Afro future.

  • I respectably told the real estate agent, not my panels, not my lease, not interested in sub standard solar company. Lease was paid off, part of sellers closing statement, on record.

It Is A Jungle Out There. Coins, Cards, Cons, Clowns To The Left, Cattle Runs, Heads To Count. Israel’s Last Prophet, Economy, Society, History, and Civilization, The Sorrows of Young.Make America White Again”.

Sorry. I don't want to be negative...BUT this is just obnoxious, uncalled for, & arrogant Article by Arjun Walia.Plenty of fish, lots of frogs, monkeys on sharks, waves to be made. to grow.DRESSED. 'HAVE FUN!'Happy Hanukkah. I'm no longer a practicing Jew. I already Perfected it.Sorry. I don't want to be negative...

Battles And Wars Won: Life Is A Beach, A Mountain, A Song To Sing:Say the truth that you're carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. 'JOE BIDEN TAC HAS RELEASED A STATEMENT'
Stuck in the Middle with you - Stealers Wheel - YouTube Music

Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH. In Case You Thought the PCR Test Detects an Actual Virus…Wrong Jon Rappoport, Coins To Flip, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks 2 Fame. Not.Chicks dig it. Walk-in confidence, not fear or cockiness.

None are more ,HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED ,than e who falsely BELIEVE they are free .The Struggle"Spruce Power, Assholes On The Roof: A treacherous person, as in Ben secretly applied for the same job as his best friend; no one knew he was such a snake in the grass .How it is done in Texas and Washington . Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibilities.TO BE COMPLETED,WORK IN PROGRESS, MARCH 4TH.

Cowboys also, with the house on the ranch, with boat, RV, plane, and all the men and horses to help with the chores. Tall man with the yellow hat, with the monkey by his side. Right. Stories to be told.Please don’t ever give up. There’s a reason you were created. You are special and you are loved.

On my way to a better state, have to complaint today, to get the services I need, just wanted a chance to get out of the box.Please don’t ever give up. There’s a reason you were created. You are special and you are loved.In LIFE PEOPLE HAVE TO PRETEND ,YOU'RE A BAD PERSON, SO THEY DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THE THINGS THEY DID TO YOU.


“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.” -Rod Serling (June 2, 1961). 

  Why blend in, when you were born to shine, like diamonds in the sky. STAY STRONG SOLDIER..WE AIN'T EVEN STARTED YET, IT'S GONNA GET A LOT MESSIER BEFORE IT GETS GOOD.Hello, Giggles.Cheers and chaps, American Tales, chicks and babes, in the layers of lights.

How it is done in Texas and Washington . Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibilities.TO BE COMPLETED,WORK IN PROGRESS, MARCH 4TH.

Life Is A Beach: Remember The Time.Push forward! Do not retreat!!Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please.Cattle To Call, Wales On Land.

Solar Objections:Spruce Powers, Sunrun, Name Changes, Cons To Costco.I'm a weirdo but I'm real tho.What beef? What do you do when there's nothing left to hold on to?Its about time, its about space, its about being lost in time.

New love enters. Better friends come along. And a stronger, wiser you is staring back in the mirror.What horns do you want when you get to hell? 'I'M SORRY, DID I ROLL MY EYES OUT LOUD?
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 Believe me, if it was possible to bottle up time, then I am sure a fortune could be made, put a copywriter on it and take it to market, would be the order of the day, for a product like that. The Jerusalem Post:

PEOPLE SAY , I ACT, LIKE DON'T GIVE A FUCK. ASSN MOTHERFUCKERS... I'M NOT ACTING.' FRIENDLY REMINDER THE HOLOCAUST WAS LEGAL SLAVERY WAS LEGAL.Solar Objections:Spruce Powers, Sunrun, Name Changes, Cons To Costco.I'm a weirdo but I'm real tho.What beef? What do you do when there's nothing left to hold on to?Its about time, its about space, its about being lost in time.

Daily Events: Lessons, Love, Luck, Tests Over Times: Paths Crossed: Trades.I'M NOT ANTI-SOCIAL, I'M SELECTIVELY SOCIAL THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.'Connected points of views, fish and frogs, dates in the garden of the dead, tales on the water.Exactly how many more gallons of semen does one need to swallow before they get their [HOONIGAN] sticker for their genesis coupe sent to them? Asking for a friend.

TO MY FRIENDS-- Jewish Whale On Land, Sucker For Free, Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Family Affairs. Nuts To Grow. Dances With Wolves. JUST SAYING. Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.

Love, Lights, Lessons, Leaders On Top, Angels On Clouds, Glory Dazes To Come.DRINK DEEP, of the Grail, of (((WISDOM)))Dances on the beach.DREAM big. SPARKLE more. SHINE bright.

Stories to tell, stories to write, good times, dates with snakes, dates with frogs, going to name a few, starting in a minute. Moments in time, snakes and frogs, kissed back in the day. Lessons were learned, clocks were broken, things were tossed in the air, lovers and haters, snakes to dodge.
Lots of luck, lots of love, Blue Dreams, Worry No More, Classes To Winners:hanging with the wrong crowd: Pieces of a Dream: Love and Hate, Goats And Cows, Sheep To Feed, Daily Chores Donkey Riders, Faces, Wigs, Snakes, Frogs, Cries Of Shame.Sheri and Rach Jay, freaks and frogs, ships to pass, notes of lovers, hats and horns, holiday hits, cheap dates, snakes to faces. Monkeys to dodge, Jewish Wales Freaks and frogs, dances for dollars.
Teachers every day, students every day, lessons on the sands of time. Sima Jarrot: 7607778998: Transplants-Paul, Charlie E. , and Steven Jarrot-7608512267: a bun in the oven, 3 weeks from birth. hanging with the wrong crowd...
Sept 4, 1962 a whale is born an American Toad. More toads to cum. Holiday?Cuba is better than Mexico, and those family members are used to be projection for their owning feeling. It is how we get our feel good. So help me become the great Jewish Party Person, who is much better than a Rock Star. At least the Rock Stars are not equal to me in the Big Apple. Snakes in Apple is a worm in Paradise, or the snake with the weak man, who wanted SEX for the apple tree in the garden of good and evll, choices made, pattern set.
hanging with the wrong crowd....Times to take a minute, jokes and laugh, not for the poor, cheap tricks to live long. Plenty of fish to the seas, cows and buffalo shows, good times, jokes and laughs, dances on water. Horse and pony shows, rats racing, fish to fry, burgers and cheese, good works,... Pieces of a Dream: Love and Hate, Goats And Cows, Sheep To Feed, Daily Chores.
Christmas Day 2012, saints alive, ashes in box. Wigs colors of dyke, Rachel Wigsout, Rachel Jarrot, butch forever, free rides in trade, party and pay, movie rights? Dead to rights, taken things you know belongs to another, tell lies or make excuses. Write and rites, tales told, stories left, gifts to share. Lessons to fail, fists or firsts attempts in learning, flipping out...

Solar Objections:Spruce Powers, Sunrun, Name Changes, Cons To Costco.I'm a weirdo but I'm real tho.What beef? What do you do when there's nothing left to hold on to?Its about time, its about space, its about being lost in time.

New love enters. Better friends come along. And a stronger, wiser you is staring back in the mirror.What horns do you want when you get to hell? 'I'M SORRY, DID I ROLL MY EYES OUT LOUD?

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No photo description available.

Why blend in, when you were born to shine, like diamonds in the sky. STAY STRONG SOLDIER..WE AIN'T EVEN STARTED YET, IT'S GONNA GET A LOT MESSIER BEFORE IT GETS GOOD.Hello, Giggles.Cheers and chaps, American Tales, chicks and babes, in the layers of lights.In LIFE PEOPLE HAVE TO PRETEND ,YOU'RE A BAD PERSON, SO THEY DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THE THINGS THEY DID TO YOU.
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