The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.
Can we try that. Friendship again.Happy to share the time and the space, classes in the woods, classes on the beach, fires of hopes burning bright. Pictures and views in other worlds, hopes and dreams for more and better, trips to the moon, trips to heaven and back. In my father's house, castles in the sky, we all have one, the different to note from mansions.This is a life skill crafter only by those with a lot of experience in the field. So it only makes sense that if you are high. Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Album Live.

Prey on the beach, watch out for land whales, parties to pay, trades for free wills. Rats. Mental for a fee. Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share. Rants & raves, wave of words, winners,writers, rites, say what you want, just a note online to share, one little Indian woman,senior man, searching for the right fit: senior in the light, cheers and chaps, counting the decades. Dreams Up In Air. Snakes,Fakes, Freaks to date. Fakes, snakes, donkeys, monkeys, and freaks, the animals within the devil, seven snakes within, oral talents to shine. 'Racist' Trees , Shastia Brenagh .Cheater, Liars, Carl Brenagh ,Family Affairs..Facebook, hits ...❤️❤️❤️, WHERE HAVE U BEEN ?
Rocks to roll, gems to love, pebbles on the shore, diamonds and paste, son to shine, giant on land, retired, home alone again. Keep it tall, words to exchange, welcome more than a what's up, pic for pic, stats, location, how tall, Disneyland pass holder would be a delight. Disneyland 64, yesterday, all the cartoon faces at the park, oh what a night.Dreams Up In Air. Snakes,Fakes, Freaks to date. Fakes, snakes, donkeys, monkeys, and freaks, the animals within the devil, seven snakes within, oral talents to shine.This is a life skill crafter only by those with a lot of experience in the field. So it only makes sense that if you are high. Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Album Live.
Strangers.Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit. Lol Oops! ๐๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ณMorning Beautiful Humans!Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
Over and done, trips to hell and back, snakes and worms, tales to share, history to note.Ready To Turn Around, ๐ ๐ ๐Persistence Pays Daily: ๐ฎ๐๐๐.Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom.Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say,"This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey

THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY, ....Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share, about the bumps in the road, gifts and lessons daily share about the changes with chance. Gold at the pots at the end of the rainbows. Out of town, out of the family, pigs and hogs to screw, dates with snakesand frogs, out of time, marking time, hands to hold, dances for luck to find. Notes of the dead, tales of the deceased, stories of the expired. My answer to the questions. I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say,"This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey

Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men in #USMC, the leaders, the few the choose, tales to share, babes, chicks and dames, hands to hold for the sunny and bright dazes to come. Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy, dizzy, dicks, dawgs, dates. Notes of the dead, tales of the deceased, stories of the expired. My answer to the questions.
School of Hard Knocks: Freaks And Frogs, Movies With Fools, Jewish Rites,..."love does not fear giving too much.".I'm Afraid of Water: coz of these -SHARKS, CROCODILES SNAKES, WHALES..on land.We The People ๐บ๐ธ Gems in the dirt, buried in piles of shit, the weights of the world.Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
Strangers.Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit. Lol Oops! ๐๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ณMorning Beautiful Humans!Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.

Peter Pan, Campers In The Woods, Love, Lights, Lessons, Leader Of Lost Kids, Dances In Cloud. Donald Trump Tweet As The Joker.. ๐ ๐ฆ๐ฏButtercu More Dark skin guys...are highkey winning ๐๐ญ๐๐ฟ♂️๐ซdaddy af ๐♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not You Toy, Not You Dream Babe, Lovers ...Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams ..Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, ....Lil whores๐๐๐๐
Goodness and mercy angels on earth, angels in host, angels in the air, good and bad, views on life. Happy to write, happy to record history, my view of course. Third party views, and his stories and tales found online, friends and foes, snakes and frogs to toss back. Lessons learned over time, classes of hate, classes of lovers, hats and horns, horns to sounds. Illuminati Exposer .The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.

Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, .
Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.
Horse and pony shows, wishes on stars, snakes in grass, freaks in the knights. DOG KILLER, MENTAL ESCAPEE, PLEASE BLAME ME, STEVEN JAY JARROT, FACES IN THE MIRROR, CROOK, CHEATER , LIAR, NAMES AND LABELS FOR ME, OVER THE DECADES. Dances In The Clouds, Castles In The Air, Sons To Shine.First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. - Thomas A. Kempis.

Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people.

Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before. Adriana Agresti, Lovers Talk.Questions:
Plenty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns, Love, Hate, Luck, Lights, Coins To Flip.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
Tricks on veterans is the top of their games, to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Tales of the dirty deeds done. Monkeys in packs, to dodge.Dicks, Dogs, Dates,Rednecks And Birds. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge. Pages to books to recap, recall, and review.
Strangers.Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit. Lol Oops! ๐๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ณMorning Beautiful Humans!Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
Can we try that. Friendship again.Happy to share the time and the space, classes in the woods, classes on the beach, fires of hopes burning bright. Pictures and views in other worlds, hopes and dreams for more and better, trips to the moon, trips to heaven and back. In my father's house, castles in the sky, we all have one, the different to note from mansions.This is a life skill crafter only by those with a lot of experience in the field. So it only makes sense that if you are high. Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Album Live.
Palm Springs City Council To Vote On Removing 'Racist' Trees , Shastia Brenagh .Cheater, Liars, Carl Brenagh ,Family Affairs.Marines in blues, dances at ..'Charms, wits, brains, hares lost of time, peas to pods, frogs to groups, heads mounted on the water. Men and mice,cartoon hits for decades, snakes in grass, cattle drives, heads to count, money matters..This is a life skill crafter only by those with a lot of experience in the field. So it only makes sense that if you are high. Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Album Live.
Rocks to roll, gems to love, pebbles on the shore, diamonds and paste, son to shine, giant on land, retired, home alone again. Keep it tall, words to exchange, welcome more than a what's up, pic for pic, stats, location, how tall, Disneyland pass holder would be a delight. Disneyland 64, yesterday, all the cartoon faces at the park, oh what a night.Dreams Up In Air. Snakes,Fakes, Freaks to date. Fakes, snakes, donkeys, monkeys, and freaks, the animals within the devil, seven snakes within, oral talents to shine.This is a life skill crafter only by those with a lot of experience in the field. So it only makes sense that if you are high. Norah Jones Greatest Hits Full Album Live.
Strangers.Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit. Lol Oops! ๐๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ณMorning Beautiful Humans!Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
Rush Limbaugh: “There aren’t any adults, particularly in the Democrat Party. There are none... I am an adult looking out for you.
Over and done, trips to hell and back, snakes and worms, tales to share, history to note.Ready To Turn Around, ๐ ๐ ๐Persistence Pays Daily: ๐ฎ๐๐๐.Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom.Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say,"This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey

THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY, ....Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share, about the bumps in the road, gifts and lessons daily share about the changes with chance. Gold at the pots at the end of the rainbows. Out of town, out of the family, pigs and hogs to screw, dates with snakesand frogs, out of time, marking time, hands to hold, dances for luck to find. Notes of the dead, tales of the deceased, stories of the expired. My answer to the questions. I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say,"This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey

Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men in #USMC, the leaders, the few the choose, tales to share, babes, chicks and dames, hands to hold for the sunny and bright dazes to come. Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy, dizzy, dicks, dawgs, dates. Notes of the dead, tales of the deceased, stories of the expired. My answer to the questions.
School of Hard Knocks: Freaks And Frogs, Movies With Fools, Jewish Rites,..."love does not fear giving too much.".I'm Afraid of Water: coz of these -SHARKS, CROCODILES SNAKES, WHALES..on land.We The People ๐บ๐ธ Gems in the dirt, buried in piles of shit, the weights of the world.Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
Strangers.Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit. Lol Oops! ๐๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ณMorning Beautiful Humans!Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
There is more like the physical,social, environmental, intellectual , occupational, and spiritual also. These are factors to consider for the whole picture on how you are today. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.Turning Pages: Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry.๐ฅ๐๐๐, A fun day at a home break. Cheers, Chaps, Chicks. causes, how many times per minute. 'New York States:
Goodness and mercy angels on earth, angels in host, angels in the air, good and bad, views on life. Happy to write, happy to record history, my view of course. Third party views, and his stories and tales found online, friends and foes, snakes and frogs to toss back. Lessons learned over time, classes of hate, classes of lovers, hats and horns, horns to sounds. Illuminati Exposer .The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.
Goodness and mercy angels on earth, angels in host, angels in the air, good and bad, views on life. Happy to write, happy to record history, my view of course. Third party views, and his stories and tales found online, friends and foes, snakes and frogs to toss back. Lessons learned over time, classes of hate, classes of lovers, hats and horns, horns to sounds. Illuminati Exposer .The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.

The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, .
Peter Pan, Campers In The Woods, Love, Lights, Lessons, Leader Of Lost Kids, Dances In Cloud. Donald Trump Tweet As The Joker.. ๐ ๐ฆ๐ฏButtercu More Dark skin guys...are highkey winning ๐๐ญ๐๐ฟ♂️๐ซdaddy af ๐♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not You Toy, Not You Dream Babe, Lovers ...Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams ..Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, ....Lil whores๐๐๐๐
Goodness and mercy angels on earth, angels in host, angels in the air, good and bad, views on life. Happy to write, happy to record history, my view of course. Third party views, and his stories and tales found online, friends and foes, snakes and frogs to toss back. Lessons learned over time, classes of hate, classes of lovers, hats and horns, horns to sounds. Illuminati Exposer .The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.
You are right, your hat the nail on the head, is that all you have to say, to share, wave of words to you to use on another raining day. I went a pick up the tangerines that fell off the tree, blood red oranges, and one lemon. Now going to make juice to drink, what about you? Stats, location, age, how tall, stranger to friend, it could happen today. Hello! Happy new year! Faces in the herds, cattle calls, donkeys in the hills, monkey types to dodge.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, .

Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.
Horse and pony shows, wishes on stars, snakes in grass, freaks in the knights. DOG KILLER, MENTAL ESCAPEE, PLEASE BLAME ME, STEVEN JAY JARROT, FACES IN THE MIRROR, CROOK, CHEATER , LIAR, NAMES AND LABELS FOR ME, OVER THE DECADES. Dances In The Clouds, Castles In The Air, Sons To Shine.First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. - Thomas A. Kempis.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, .
Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.
Horse and pony shows, wishes on stars, snakes in grass, freaks in the knights. DOG KILLER, MENTAL ESCAPEE, PLEASE BLAME ME, STEVEN JAY JARROT, FACES IN THE MIRROR, CROOK, CHEATER , LIAR, NAMES AND LABELS FOR ME, OVER THE DECADES. Dances In The Clouds, Castles In The Air, Sons To Shine.First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. - Thomas A. Kempis.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, .

Princess Frog: Rachel Jarrot? | In the Woods, Girls with red hood, wolves to eat,
family members, cancers kills, purple hairs better than, wigs in the hills, donkeys and jackasses to wear. Love, lights, lessons, Disneyland nightmares, men and rats, gloves on the faces in shadows, low lives, snakes, spiders and worms. Twists and turns, faces of dicks, dangs, and donkeys, good time toads.
family members, cancers kills, purple hairs better than, wigs in the hills, donkeys and jackasses to wear. Love, lights, lessons, Disneyland nightmares, men and rats, gloves on the faces in shadows, low lives, snakes, spiders and worms. Twists and turns, faces of dicks, dangs, and donkeys, good time toads.
Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.
Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people, .
Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.
Horse and pony shows, wishes on stars, snakes in grass, freaks in the knights. DOG KILLER, MENTAL ESCAPEE, PLEASE BLAME ME, STEVEN JAY JARROT, FACES IN THE MIRROR, CROOK, CHEATER , LIAR, NAMES AND LABELS FOR ME, OVER THE DECADES. Dances In The Clouds, Castles In The Air, Sons To Shine.First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. - Thomas A. Kempis.
Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK.Honey Makers, bees and wasps, dances in the darkness, dances in the air. Good time frogs, men and mice, cartoons across the decades.Thanks for sharing, animals under the skin, animals in the sky, star signs, tables and charts kept. Classes on the beach. Bumps in the road, snake people.

Lots of fun,Lots Of Laughter, Lady To Delight.It’s sort of romantic in a weird way.“How individuals are labeled creates expectations and predictions” about them, she said, which, when framed negatively, can harm self-identity and limit potential.
Palm Springs City Council To Vote On Removing 'Racist' Trees , Shastia Brenagh .Cheater .Carl brenagh, racist trees in Palm Springs, Ca. Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����I am who I am and that's what I'll always be. Like me or not is your choice. Love me for who I'm, not for who I'm not.
Over and done, trips to hell and back, snakes and worms, tales to share, history to note.Ready To Turn Around, ๐ ๐ ๐Persistence Pays Daily: ๐ฎ๐๐๐.Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom.Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say,"This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey
Carl Brenagh Men And Mice, Cartoon Hits, Across The Decades..Ran Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.Love My Gems. "Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!Family Affairs: Cows, Pigs, Hogs, Jewish Wales:Butches, bitches and dykes .Palm Springs City Council To Vote On Removing 'Racist' Trees ...don't get me wrong ...hear me out .First in lines, family and friends, strangers to note, views online, thanks for the picture, of the love, luck, lights, on in the whites, blacks, and blues folks. I am who I am and that's what I'll always be. Like me or not is your choice. Love me for who I'm, not for who I'm not.
The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.Dicks, dawgs, dates, freaks out to rob, steal, cause confusion, mental veterans, and the stories left behind. Kick a dawg when she is down, kick a dog in real life, tits for tats. Questions in the air, not now, not ever, frogs kissed once. Lost in time, lost in space, names and label, dicks, dawgs, and dates. Coins to flip.
Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before. Adriana Agresti, Lovers Talk.Questions:
Plenty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns, Love, Hate, Luck, Lights, Coins To Flip.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
Tricks on veterans is the top of their games, to play,better than the dogs in the houses. Tales of the dirty deeds done. Monkeys in packs, to dodge.Dicks, Dogs, Dates,Rednecks And Birds. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge. Pages to books to recap, recall, and review.
The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Questions up in the air, daily quest to check in the mirror, doing the best you can with what you have.Cow to STEVEN JARROT- Crook, Cheater, Liar: Ya lil stupid ass fish I ain't swimming wit ... Crook, Cheater, Liar: NO RESPECT FOR ANYONE, HE IS A SICK. ... done for dinner , changes with the shadows of the sun, setting the stage of night. .... smithuritza.blogspot. ....
Cards to flip, cards on the table, hard knocks, schools of frogs.Aretha Franklin - You Are My Sunshine: Not....Fag hag - Reign Of Kings - STEVEN JARROT- Crook, Cheater, Liar: Ya lil stupid ass fish I ain't swimming wit ..760 360 1613: with kid with a lack of natural hair on head, $6000 wig Rookie/Jewish style, for cover acceptable for hair.My niece wants to say Shalom to you ๐ VA HOMELESS LINKS:๐๐ช๐ฑ✂ Dreams Stand Downs What's New ArchivesAretha Franklin: Oh Happy Day:Cheers for the goods and services, VA HOMELESS LINKS:๐๐ช๐ฑ✂ +1 ... No No.. Suck My Dick For YOU !!!!Wishes are shining deep down inside of you. ... Sheri, on Tips. Tales And Stories Left. Lots of Love 2. |BY GOOD AND SWEET.School of Hard Knocks uritza smith on 5/8/17 Talking Hands, Blue Lights On Paths, Stars Wishes,... Songs for the angels to sing, songs for the birds ... Running Races, Rats At Play, Role Models, Faces In... Goats And Sheep, Kids To Play, Walks Of Life. Views On Beaches, Deserts To Tracks, Colors To Cha... Dances In The Dark, Walks In The Park, Dazes Under...
Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Snakes And Frogs, Free Ri... Dates With Dreams, Dance In Winds, Castles And Hou... Tents And Flags, Fags And Hags, Dreams In Drama, F... Tin Cans, RV Campers, Dates With Frogs, Dances On ... Tips, Tales, Faces To Snakes, Freaks Out To Rob Ve... Guns and girls, chicks and dates, tats for the sea... New York Minutes, Stuck In Time,Jewish Rocks, Star...
Turning the page, moving on, topics to cover now. ... Fairy Tales, life every day, adventures to share, ... Faces of lovers, faces of frogs, faces with lots o... Snakes And Frogs, Apes In Movies, Freaks Out To Ac... Just another fairy tale, a man and woman, the bump... Freaks And Frogs, Movies With on NO GIRL HAS UNDER 3 BODIES PERIOD๐๐๐ฏSports Rules, Winners And Losers
Over and done, trips to hell and back, snakes and worms, tales to share, history to note.Ready To Turn Around, ๐ ๐ ๐Persistence Pays Daily: ๐ฎ๐๐๐.Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom.Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.I was once afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say,"This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey.
Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤❤❤"It's the little things that matter the most " Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time.
Time running away from me, lots in time, pebbles on the sands of time, winners, losers, liars, loafers, learners, heads to count. Cheers and chaps, another great day, to be alive, in the land of the living, cheers and chaps, American.

Summary:9096251371 Dense, dumb, simple, self-serving, gay and happy: $1500 donations from Father Steven Jay Jarrot: 7608512267-for credit cards secured by Melissa Silva, nothing for cash taken. to fund RV Camping lifestyle, veterans cash works best on luggage for trips to Colorado for butch ..Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
We need seed money, we could use more hands.The truth about who I am.... I'm a whole lot of everything and a whole lot of nothing.With everything that has happened to you, You can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow Or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤

Dearest mother — We have heard rumblings that Bears may be headed our way. I have ordered all the rations be buried in hopes they are not lured to our camp. I am still not drilling. The sawbones feels I need more time to ensure I am battle ready for the actual campaign. — Andrew.Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
Teresa White.Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
No words...Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
Jews are cheap, and they take their money with them when they expire, right? Party like a Jew, meant party on somebody else’s dime. The Jew’s father who was not in New York City, with his kid for the party better than the Rock stars did not include any of her natural family. This party was with the other Jew’s and it was better than the Rock Stars, according to this Desert Jew Girl from the polo team in Palm Desert, LA Quinta, Indio deserts in California.
Party on the church dime is where she is and has a better party than the rock stars. Not sure what the word party actually means from a New York City view, from a desert person of California. Maybe that meant more clothes, what do you think?Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
Calling other Jewish people for a clear picture of what the term used meant. It is not what I was told, it was what I thought it could mean. The teacher of this Jewish lesson did not want to get sued for giving street smart information for lawful people on the sidelines living. So there was not any opinion that counted that could go to back with the facts for this comment. What kind of parties that the Jewish people can have that is better than lights from the Rock Stars when they shine?
I do not know of any Jews other than Sammy Davis Armand he is part of the Jewish Club. So there are no Black Jews in America that is a Rock Star or a bigger Jewish person. Sorry this was just a teenager with a group in New York City on the dime of the church. Next and moving on have a great day and lots of sunny dazes in California.Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
old skool man seeking a long term relationship
hi am a old skool type of guy. love dating, going to the movies, going for walks. if you want to know more text me any time. my # is 626 501 8758 oh...Everyone is living their included ❤️๐๐คฃ THIS IS SO TRUE.Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. My Memories... My Life ... My Loves... I'm so Thankful for them...❤❤
Strangers.Sinners With Saints: Goodness And Mercy Back To Back. Love and hate, horns on goat, hate and love, horns to blow. Good times, sad times, bumps in the road, gifts to share, glory days done.Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit. Lol Oops! ๐๐ฒ๐ฅ๐ณMorning Beautiful Humans!Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. - William B. Sprague.
Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.In A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present. - Barbara De Angelis.
Cheers, Chaps, Chicks. causes, how many times per minute. 'New York States:Over and done, trips to hell and back, snakes and worms, tales to share, history to note.Jokers to the left, clowns to the right, wishes, hopes and desires stuck in the middle.Simple & Symbolic. So sad yet appropriate and understated “Genie, you're free. Facts Frog Groups, Called Army, Heart Of Frogs, heat for hands out to give back.The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present. - Barbara De Angelis.
Love me or LET ME GO!Coins Tossed, Cards Flying, Bloody Blue Dreams !!! Ends of the love of a life alone. Scents of a woman, to change the outlooks on life, dances to the music played over time. Love and devotion on a different level.
Lost Earth Angel Angels above, sights to see the undead and the unstable, spooks that appear for the corrections need for a night of peace. Gifts of words need to tame the beasts on the left side of the graves. rose with seductive thorns...Gifts to share, joy and pains of the bumps in the road, and the pits in the bowls of cherries. Jokes, and song to sing for the good, bad and ugly pieces of the dreams to action.
Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. Daily dates,Dreams Working: Ladies in white, read, blues, oceans of dreams, silent knight, home alone, woman for man. Ben Or Bob...Names, Labels, Hats. Coins, Cons,Clowns To The Rights.Fool You Once .Lights to shine, lights to turn on, hours of time to spare, tips to write daily events.Do It Yourself (DIY) ·
Views in the mirror, faces under the skin, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, mud shots. Happy and delight, joy in the mornings, peace, love, and happiness to come. Dances in the clouds, clowns, cons, cattle runs, faces in the shadows, nuts and beans, hits and misses, ways to go.
Sheri Beth Jarrot, pigs, hogs,hoes, haters, leader of the cattle drives. YOUR DAD Macolm Gershire: Rach Jay, New Trick, Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, butch of the hour, good time toads, cattle drives, free milk, why buy the cow.Veteran Housing Matters: Blue Oceans Created. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Blue Knights.
Lost Earth Angel Angels above, sights to see the undead and the unstable, spooks that appear for the corrections need for a night of peace. Gifts of words need to tame the beasts on the left side of the graves. rose with seductive thorns...Gifts to share, joy and pains of the bumps in the road, and the pits in the bowls of cherries. Jokes, and song to sing for the good, bad and ugly pieces of the dreams to action.
Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. Daily dates,Dreams Working: Ladies in white, read, blues, oceans of dreams, silent knight, home alone, woman for man. Ben Or Bob...Names, Labels, Hats. Coins, Cons,Clowns To The Rights.Fool You Once .Lights to shine, lights to turn on, hours of time to spare, tips to write daily events.Do It Yourself (DIY) · Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, butch of the hour, good time toads, cattle drives, free milk, why buy the cow.Veteran Housing Matters: Blue Oceans Created. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Blue Knights.
Dates With Sex Freaks, Sheri, Sima and Rachel Jarrot Butches, Bitches, Snakes, Buffalo Girls, riding hard, local dogs in heat, good times, want to date, hackers, liars, and land whales, tricks to trade, Steven, Sima,,Sheri and Rachel Jarrot, cheap tricks on call, day jobs, to steal from veterans, cash rich cows. Girls to Date, Failures, Hackers, Snakes, Cows to buffalo girls. Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, butch of the hour, good time toads, cattle drives, free milk, why buy the cow.Veteran Housing Matters: Blue Oceans Created. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Blue Knights.
Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.In A Quiet State:Angels come, Stars In The Darkness.Faces In The Mirror.The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present. - Barbara De Angelis.
Cheers, Chaps, Chicks. causes, how many times per minute. 'New York States:Over and done, trips to hell and back, snakes and worms, tales to share, history to note.Jokers to the left, clowns to the right, wishes, hopes and desires stuck in the middle.Simple & Symbolic. So sad yet appropriate and understated “Genie, you're free. Facts Frog Groups, Called Army, Heart Of Frogs, heat for hands out to give back.The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present. - Barbara De Angelis.
Love me or LET ME GO!Coins Tossed, Cards Flying, Bloody Blue Dreams !!! Ends of the love of a life alone. Scents of a woman, to change the outlooks on life, dances to the music played over time. Love and devotion on a different level.
Lessons on looks, lessons on views, history to create. Bumps in the woods, trips to hell, spiders and snakes. Hung on the cross with jesus christ , saints alive, sheep and goats. Hate and love, horns to blow, goats and sheep, horns of love and hate. Dances in the dark, dances with different family members first. Daddy, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, host or travel, party and play, good times.
RV campers, bring your own water, to wipe your ass, after sex, oral experts, day jobs. Blow jobs to go. Lots of fun, tasteful deli lights, cum suckers in line. Pitchers to mount, gang bang rules, every night, dicks waiting in line. Sex Freaks, Rach Jay and Rachel Jarrot, Reese Smith. Bumps in the woods, trips to hell, spiders and snakes. Hung on the cross with Jesus Christ , saints alive, sheep and goats. Hate and love, horns to blow, goats and sheep, horns of love and hate.
Hares Lost, Purple, Pink, Blue, Fairies, Pixies, Earth Angels, Veteran With Skills. Uncle Sam - I Don't Ever Want TO See You Again.☔☔. Battles Won....Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play. Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take. Nightmares, Devils and Angels, Battles Won....Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play. Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take.Views in the mirror, faces under the skin, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, mud shots. Happy and delight, joy in the mornings, peace, love, and happiness to come. Dances in the clouds, clowns, cons, cattle runs, faces in the shadows, nuts and beans, hits and misses, ways to go. Men And Mice, Cartoon Hits, Across The Decades..Ran Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Rides.Love My Gems. "Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!Family Affairs: Cows, Pigs, Hogs, Jewish Wales: Dates to write, dates to live, dates on the right side of the lights, trips to hell not right, lessons learned the first time.. ๐ผ๐ง๐๐ A reminder this Fourth of July: it was eight immigrants who signed the Declaration of Independence. Happy Independence Day. Good morning my friends!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Graves to me and graves to me, busy dying daily, joys and pains with the bumps in the road. Goodness and mercy, angels sent to correct the mistakes of the lost, displaced, frogs, rats and horses racing on the sands of time. Happy and delighted with the gifts of words to tell a tale or two, about the bumps in the road, dodging the rocks under the sands.
Lessons to learn, dates to set for the joys and pains of growth and rolling with the flow of the river. Oceans and seas of chance to take for the better dazes over the rainbow, gifts to share with the tales and stories of the undead and unstable. Friends, family members and foes thanks for the crossroad turns to take on the faces of the freaks out at night, to party and play to death, good times on the beaches. Battles Won....Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play. Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take.
Hope helps clean the nightmares, of life in hell with the frogs and gods from the center of the earth. Devils or seven snakes within the tribe members. Last rites of passage on the dark side of the moon, horses racing on the sands of time, water for the rats at the end of the races done daily. Horses to walk after a long run on the shores on the sands of time, racing for the end of the rainbows, and the pots of gold, gifts to share. Words and gifts of the tales and stories of the bumps in the road here.
We are a 501c nonprofit working with transitional veterans to help them secure benefits, and still looking for team players. Houses in Long Beach: Houses in Newport Beach. Houses near the beaches best. Houses in and around these location desired: 4 or more bedrooms, 2 or more bathrooms, 2 or more space garage, RV parking would be nice. 420 connected, herbs for sale: $125 an oz. of indoor grown buds, and better deals for quarter of a pound for $500. Have grounds to grow more, where are the growers that need land to grow? Battles Won....Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play. Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take.
Target market for the 420 connected people with cards,562 234 1176 for target dates set for crops grown inside, lights on 12 hours, lights off for 12 hours. Good times, and help for the lost, confused and homeless veterans, still couch surfing for better credit, and dazes days doing the horse and pony shows. Gifts to share, with the time and attention to the needs of the displace veterans.
Help and hands on for assistance to get the cash off the table. Programs in place for section 8 veteran, location for more and better to come. Thanks for your time and attention to this matter and looking forward to working with you on this housing project for veterans and friends. Hopes, wishes, prayers, and dreams in action, gifts to share today and often. Hope floats searching for places to land, your dreams in action, granted for rewards, on good deeds done.
Hares Lost, Purple, Pink, Blue, Fairies, Pixies, Earth Angels, Veteran With Skills. Uncle Sam - I Don't Ever Want TO See You Again.☔☔. Jokes and laughs, free rides, faces in the mirror, ways to go, better than walking, views, voices, values, dimes to drop. Roads to travel, paths to cross, running on simple, slow and stupid. Thanks for notes, good story, more history online. Rebirths and Birthdays: Funny Frogs..... Jay Jarrot, dick, dawg, donkeys, wheels to turn, bay of bats, snakes in grass, spiders and worms. Jewish delights, whale on land, pig, hog, hoe, salads to toss, dicks and dawgs, faces in the shadows. Oral talents to barter for time and attention to a snake, trade., party and play 7608512267 good times, take turns on faces of frogs, snakes, and wolves.
Nightmares, Devils and Angels, Battles Won....Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play. Snakes And Worms, History Recorded, Frogs Army Notes To Take.
Dates to write, dates to live, dates on the right side of the lights, trips to hell not right, lessons learned the first time.. ๐ผ๐ง๐๐Dates With Sex Freaks, Sheri, Sima and Rachel Jarrot Butches, Bitches, Snakes, Buffalo Girls, riding hard, local dogs in heat, good times, want to date, hackers, liars, and land whales, tricks to trade, Steven, Sima,,Sheri and Rachel Jarrot, cheap tricks on call, day jobs, to steal from veterans, cash rich cows. Girls to Date, Failures, Hackers, Snakes, Cows to buffalo girls. Faces for Rachel Gaylin Jarrot, butch of the hour, good time toads, cattle drives, free milk, why buy the cow.Veteran Housing Matters: Blue Oceans Created. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Blue Knights.
A reminder this Fourth of July: it was eight immigrants who signed the Declaration of Independence. Happy Independence Day. Good morning my friends!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐Jokes and laughs, free rides, faces in the mirror, ways to go, better than walking, views, voices, values, dimes to drop. Roads to travel, paths to cross, running on simple, slow and stupid. Thanks for notes, good story, more history online. Rebirths and Birthdays: Funny Frogs..... Jay Jarrot, dick, dawg, donkeys, wheels to turn, bay of bats, snakes in grass, spiders and worms. Jewish delights, whale on land, pig, hog, hoe, salads to toss, dicks and dawgs, faces in the shadows. Oral talents to barter for time and attention to a snake, trade., party and play 7608512267 good times, take turns on faces of frogs, snakes, and wolves.

Dream Life, Cartoon Hits, Castles In the Sky, Heavens Gates ...Jewish Dreams, dream life for Steven and Sheri Jarrot, lots ...Once upon a time there was a family whose father made a deal for a perfect life. Now his son will do anything to get them out of it. The good life can be a nightmare.Dream Life (TV Movie 2008) - IMDb....

Say What... The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

Once upon a time there was a family whose father made a deal for a perfect life. Now his son will do anything to get them out of it. The good life can be a nightmare.Dream Life (TV Movie 2008) - IMDb....
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