Time to stand all, time to do right things, good and evil, notes t8 syare. Once again, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees.Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself. - Proverb .You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one. - Rush Limbaugh.20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight ...
ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers ...Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams ...Felix the cat, lots of tricks, lots of fun and games, lots of laugh, back in time.20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight ...
Beaches, surfers, sons of kings, sons of knights, retired, seasoned, and sedated, blue dreams to smoke. Chicks, babes, dames, names and labels, hats to wear, nudes on the beaches, colored black...Lil whoresππππ20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight ...
Fish Out Of Water: Wishes On Stars, Waves Of Words: Sunny And Bright. Tails.Yeah we can vote and we had a black president. We can run their companies, start our own and be millionaires but we are still slaves...Are you ready for the real deal? If so..Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Change is based on the condition that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. - Henry Emerson Fosdick.
Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Just chillin and waiting for the right woman to come along??Dances in Woods, Dances with Snakes.Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
Babes, Bacon & Booze,Fish Out Of Water: Wishes On Stars, Waves Of Words: Sunny And Bright. Tails.Yeah we can vote and we had a black president. We can run their companies, start our own and be millionaires but we are still slaves...Are you ready for the real deal? If so..Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Change is based on the condition that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. - Henry Emerson Fosdick.Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
Time to stand all, time to do right things, good and evil, notes t8 syare. Once again, computers to steal, dates on the beach. Weird is : wonderful, educated, interesting, real and different, notes....Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, clowns swinging or hanging on dogwood trees.Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself. - Proverb .You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one. - Rush Limbaugh.20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight ...
ππππΏ♂️π«daddy af π♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers ...Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams ...Felix the cat, lots of tricks, lots of fun and games, lots of laugh, back in time.20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight ...
Beaches, surfers, sons of kings, sons of knights, retired, seasoned, and sedated, blue dreams to smoke. Chicks, babes, dames, names and labels, hats to wear, nudes on the beaches, colored black...Lil whoresππππ20/20 vision is 50th percentile, average. It's mediocre. It means you can see at 20 feet what the average, middle-of-the-line person can see at 20 feet. Hindsight ...

Fish Out Of Water: Wishes On Stars, Waves Of Words: Sunny And Bright. Tails.Yeah we can vote and we had a black president. We can run their companies, start our own and be millionaires but we are still slaves...Are you ready for the real deal? If so..Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Change is based on the condition that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. - Henry Emerson Fosdick.
Clown Shows for fun and food, books on sunny dazes on the beach. Treats in fun and fools, signs of animals under the skin, suckers to cum.Just chillin and waiting for the right woman to come along??Dances in Woods, Dances with Snakes.Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
Babes, Bacon & Booze,Fish Out Of Water: Wishes On Stars, Waves Of Words: Sunny And Bright. Tails.Yeah we can vote and we had a black president. We can run their companies, start our own and be millionaires but we are still slaves...Are you ready for the real deal? If so..Frank Agresti When I wore a younger mans clothes., Freaks, frogs, fools, wasting time, killing time, marked in schools of hard knocks.Change is based on the condition that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. - Henry Emerson Fosdick.Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.
Lovers and hater, tricks and trades, places for the trees to grow, apple, orange, dogwood woods on earth, classes on the sands of time, battles and wars around the worlds. The Power Within.I am not high maintenance but I do love to get pedicures. I like my feet to look pretty. I do have baggage but I believe we all have baggage ( none of us r perfect). I am funny, fun, keep a clean house. I have been divorced for 10 years and am very ready to find the right man.

Life is a beach than you die. Water for cows, water for frogs, water to live, books to write, saints and sinners, glory dazes done. Happy to share the notes, love and hate, horns to sound, horns of a goat, ships and sales, trips to hell and back, happy dazes again.Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park. Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Babes, Bacon & Booze,Fish Out Of Water: Wishes On Stars, Waves Of Words: Sunny And Bright. Suckers For Free, Shit, Dung With Clowns.Yiddish Proverb" "Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.

Main Street:Oscar winner Colin Firth and Orlando Bloom star in a drama from the writer of To Kill A Mockingbird. A small city's way of life is threatened when an outsider makes its residents an offer they can't refuse.INDEPENDENT WOMEN ππI don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Cry me a river. Ella Fitzgerald - These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You) Facts Frog Groups, Called Army, Heart Of Frogs, heat for hands out to give back.
Will Sampson, Native American actor. Muscogee / Creek tribe. Sept. 27,1933- June 3,1987. One Flew Over The Crazy Nest. Heads Up, cheers and chaps,another brick in the wall.What power they bring to the land as the souls of native rise in joy as the mustangs leaves the signature of awesome symmetry in their muscle and bone in the very blood of their being lives the substance of what matters how they sing to the land of the free and brave to the song of the mustang carries the spirits.Ella Fitzgerald - These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You) Facts Frog Groups, Called Army, Heart Of Frogs, heat for hands out to give back.

We could meet in Sunset Beach, or not: and walk around the castle in the sand, or at the community center. We could swim in my heated pool and have lunch by the pool. Jumps for joy, jumps for families, jumps for foes in the hills, valleys and mountains climbed, lasting impressions, for a life or two.

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