Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Good times, birds and bees, singing songs all day long, lights to shine, lights on again. Birds and bees in the dogwood trees, butterflies in the way, tricks and trades to start a new day.

Happy Sunday Family!Michael Baisden Live Ask for what you deserve, better yet, demand it! On second thought, you shouldn’t have to ask or demand, if you have open communication with your partner they’ll either care enough to do the right thing or they will leave you hanging, that’s when you’ll have to make a decision to stay or go. ~ Michael Baisden.   Good times, birds and bees, singing songs all day long, lights to shine, lights on again. Birds and bees in the dogwood trees, butterflies in the way, tricks and trades to start a new day. 

Charms And Wits, Giants And Knights, Heads To Birds And Bees, Dances For Dates. Daily Holiday Hits, Love and Luck To Check... Dances on the sands of time, light and hope to lead the way. Dances of hope, dances of new life, hands to hearts to share, knights for the long runs. Hope and wishes, dances on the beaches, hands to hearts, fires to start, right to see the sun shine. Love and luck, coins to toss, hope for the knights to shine, wishes for a black king, with a hole in his heart, ready to mend again.  Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

Good times, birds and bees, singing songs all day long, lights to shine, lights on again. Birds and bees in the dogwood trees, butterflies in the way, tricks and trades to start a new day.

Dreams of warm knights, dances until dawn, trips to the moon, sailing the seven seas.  White knights, beaches to lunches, dates on the sands of time, lovers lost, hopes for tomorrow alive. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of fish in the water, lots of frogs to kiss, lessons on the rites to keep, the roses for the colors. Lovers and haters, hats and horns sinners and saints, tales online to find. Role models twisted and bend, the rules for the search of tomorrow, lots of standards to be set. Never the best, to fall for every thing, lovers to keep, frogs to kiss, lessons learned with the fish and frogs. Dates with knights for the rites to mate. 

Good times, birds and bees, singing songs all day long, lights to shine, lights on again. Birds and bees in the dogwood trees, butterflies in the way, tricks and trades to start a new day.

Dreams of warm knights, dances until dawn, trips to the moon, sailing the seven seas.  White knights, beaches to lunches, dates on the sands of time, lovers lost, hopes for tomorrow alive. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of fish in the water, lots of frogs to kiss, lessons on the rites to keep, the roses for the colors. Lovers and haters, hats and horns sinners and saints, tales online to find. Role models twisted and bend, the rules for the search of tomorrow, lots of standards to be set. Never the best, to fall for every thing, lovers to keep, frogs to kiss, lessons learned with the fish and frogs. Dates with knights for the rites to mate. 

Hope and wishes, dances on the beaches, hands to hearts, fires to start, right to see the sun shine. Love and luck, coins to toss, hope for the knights to shine, wishes for a black king, with a hole in his heart, ready to mend again.  Things does not define us. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

Notes to take to hear, all about life on the edge, hopes and dreams in the air, ducks and ships on the water, take about good times, joys and pains, life in the fast lands. Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. Time to reflect, tricked and pimped, love and devotion, earth angels in red hoods, trips in the woods. Falls on den of snakes, mask in place, in the woods, trees of life, dogwood trees. 

Dreams of warm knights, dances until dawn, trips to the moon, sailing the seven seas.  White knights, beaches to lunches, dates on the sands of time, lovers lost, hopes for tomorrow alive. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of fish in the water, lots of frogs to kiss, lessons on the rites to keep, the roses for the colors. Lovers and haters, hats and horns sinners and saints, tales online to find. Role models twisted and bend, the rules for the search of tomorrow, lots of standards to be set. Never the best, to fall for every thing, lovers to keep, frogs to kiss, lessons learned with the fish and frogs. Dates with knights for the rites to mate. 

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