Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out...I was MISTAKEN'. NO MATTER How Badly Life Treated You Last Year... Just Walk Tall With Your Head Held High THIS is a Brand New Year Baby!What that bitch say? Each one teach one? Idk who tf they teaching cause you can’t learn shit.

Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Toads, Coins To Flip, Walking On Eggshells.What can be brighter than the stars.BREAKING THE SILENCE :UNDERSTAND NORMAL THINKING! Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work.THE Real U: Blue Dreams In Motion: Fairy Tales: Waves Made:Attitude is everything.A good attitude can open a window of opportunity. Excuse making is another way of saying don’t change anything.- Hello, Giggles,celebrate the Walt Disney World Resort 50th anniversary.
What's the 1st Line Come To mind!What that bitch say? Each one teach one? Idk who tf they teaching cause you can’t learn shit.
Crazy like a fox, out to run, dance, shout, words in the winds, wings to skies. Cartoon hits, horses to races, rats to men, mice to men, faces in the crowds. Cheap tricks, cows and fags, hags and sheep, goats to roam, heads to count, over the pits, the dens of snakes.
Good times, sad times, me and my dad, love him so much, at the end of life, eight decades, want two more, head, hearts, kids and goats, sheep and lambs, coins to flip. Joy in the morning, peace , love and happiness to follow. Dreams in works, works in actions, steps to takers, mountains left to climb. Made With Love - Live.
Reasons Why.Can we start:Buddhist Vision. ENGLISH words, for the wise.Breaking the Silence :To Understand Normal Thinking!
Stay up, blessed & positive. We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see the beauty in others.Original of you.
Enough is Enough…Good Times, Lucky Breaks,tonight.I am a Sorcerer ...Dreams to have, dreams to work.ls).Go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is. -Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All. Good Times, Lots Of Laughs, Schools. WELCOME NEW COMERS. WE ARE GROWING EACH DAY. Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lover...
Love in acts, love in deeds, what kind of love, makes you change your phone number, stay in the same place, Charlotte Bailey Frazier, love was lost at the airport. 'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM. NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'.
Head Counts, Lucky Breaks, Glory Dazes To Come.When we learn important things, to not publish is a political act,” said Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times. On “The Daily,” he discussed the role of journalists, lessons from the 2016 election and how we’re approaching 2022Who Let The Dogs Out?Cow to Buffalo: Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again. Jewish whales, family affairs, Cons to run.
No Ordinary Love .Chicks, Babes, Bitches With 5 Stars, Fairy Tales, Dances Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2.Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.HOLY CRAP"CENTURY CREDIT GROUP:Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Great picture.Peas in a pod,twins and a a spare, lots of love, lot of the womb, three parts, views of the love, still in tack. Nice shot, thanks.....Remember that..
Rachel Jarrot, last wife had cow for hair affair with a fat cow or two, not sure who fucked who the longest, rachel and rocky, or steve and rachel, fuckers, fake friends, and the best of the tribe, and the brights frog that can crimb trees like the monkeys, donkeys, and reptiles not attorneys...Ozzie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs.HOLY CRAP"CENTURY CREDIT GROUP:Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Great picture.Peas in a pod,twins and a a spare, lots of love, lot of the womb, three parts, views of the love, still in tack. Nice shot, thanks.....Remember that..
Rachel Jarrot, last wife had cow for hair affair with a fat cow or two, not sure who fucked who the longest, rachel and rocky, or steve and rachel, fuckers, fake friends, and the best of the tribe, and the brights frog that can crimb trees like the monkeys, donkeys, and reptiles not attorneys...
Monkeys in packs to dodge.Cartoon hits, cartoon shows ,kids to watch, laughs tonight, good times.
More Money.I am alpha and omega the beginning and the end!!Seven Snakes, Jacqueline Jarrot, Paul, Charley dead two: Donkeys- ...
The problem is; we are not perfect. A thought: Perhaps a human can only know right within human created frameworks. Frameworks which are often outdated.
The possibilities are endless.. Reasons Why.Can we start:Buddhist Vision. ENGLISH words, for the wise.Breaking the Silence :To Understand Normal Thinking!
Head Counts, Lucky Breaks, Glory Dazes To Come.When we learn important things, to not publish is a political act,” said Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times. On “The Daily,” he discussed the role of journalists, lessons from the 2016 election and how we’re approaching 2022Who Let The Dogs Out?Cow to Buffalo: Frogs, Snakes, Hackers, Monkeys To Dodge.To do again and again. Jewish whales, family affairs, Cons to run.
Max More Money, Peace, Love, Happiness,Cash, Green Backs, Forever And A Day. Always.Fruits and nuts to go, party and play today in Upland parked in RV for the cattle, bison, mules and donkeys in the hills: valley for the season of peace and love by the masses of frogs, freaks.Since I was a child, I believed life was a play and we are all on stage. Working. The problem is; we are not perfect. A thought: Perhaps a human can only know right within human created frameworks. Frameworks which are often outdated.
Faces In The Crowds, Good Time Toads, Coins To Flip, Walking On Eggshells.What can be brighter than the stars.BREAKING THE SILENCE :UNDERSTAND NORMAL THINKING! Facebook, winners and losers, snakes and frogs, views to stop, good luck with that. Dicks with kids, dicks to fat to work.THE Real U: Blue Dreams In Motion: Fairy Tales: Waves Made:
The possibilities are endless.. Reasons Why.Can we start:Buddhist Vision. ENGLISH words, for the wise.Breaking the Silence :To Understand Normal Thinking!
Monkeys in packs to dodge.Cartoon hits, cartoon shows ,kids to watch, laughs tonight, good times.
More Money.I am alpha and omega the beginning and the end!!Seven Snakes, Jacqueline Jarrot, Paul, Charley dead two: Donkeys- ...
No Ordinary Love .Chicks, Babes, Bitches With 5 Stars, Fairy Tales, Dances Recaps, Recalls, Reviews,